Monday, 21 February 2011

Album Review: Banjo or Freakout - Banjo or Freakout

Banjo or Freakout: A head full of ideas?
Yet another autonomous bedroom-introvert negotiating the psych-ambient divide under an unfathomable nom de guerre might not set the pulses racing, so Banjo or Freakout’s Alessio Natalizia at least has the good sense to have a mildly diverting back story. He grew up in a small medieval Italian town called Vasto. He started playing classical guitar at 8. He listened to Italian artists Claudio Rocchi and Alan Sorrenti – unlikely to figure on the average Spotify playlist. Perhaps the beaming coastal sun, Adriatic waters and unheralded musical preferences could engender something memorable and unique?

This review was written for Notion magazine. Go here to read the rest (page 91 of the digital reader).

Album Review: Wye Oak - Civilian

Wye Oak: No longer plunging in at the deep end
Baltimore, Maryland duo Wye Oak’s first two records, 2007’s If Children and 2009’s The Knot, sounded like a band with the all the tools required to be master-sculptors or their art, but one lacking in the requisite experience – and often direction – to fashion something truly worthy. Although their enviable ear for a hook was plainly manifested, the songs’ attempts to subvert de rigueur ‘trends’ overcompensated. Mix introverted folk-sprawl with hootenanny freakouts? That’ll show ‘em! But it was too much, too often; thrilling on an artificial level, without having the artifice to craft something with lasting appeal beyond the live performances for which they were famed. However, their apprenticeship served and with new UK label City Slang affording them a shot at reinvention, Civilian succeeds by playing it straight.

This review was written for Notion magazine . Go here to read the rest (page 90 of the digital reader)